Felhasznlt irodalom
AJLOUNI, A.Q.: Intestinal cestodes of stray dogs in Jordan. (A kborkutyk blfrgessge Jordniban.) Zeitschrift- fr Parasitenkunde, 1994. 70.k. 2.sz. 203-210.p.
ALEKSIC, S.: Yersinia rohdei sp. isolated from humen and dog feces and surface water. (Az ember s a kutya rlkbõl, valamint a felszni vizekbõl izollt Yersinia rohdei sp. nov.) International Journal of Systematic Bacteriology (USA), Oct. 1987. 37.k. 4.sz. 327-332.p.
ALLEN, G.M.: Other animals as sources of TB infection. (llatok, mint a TB fertõzs forrsai.) Publication Veterinary Continuing Education, Massey University, New Zealand, 1991. 132.sz. 197-201.p.
ANDREWS, S.J.: Echinococcosis as a public health problem. (Az Echinococcosis mint kzegszsggyi problma.) Veterinary Record, UK, 1990. 127.k 9.sz. 235.p.
- A Rii Konferencia s a teendõk. Magyar ENSZ Trsasg, Budapest, 1993.
BNDI GY.: A krnyezetvdelem a jogrendszerben, krnyezetvdelmi trvny httere, az eurpai felzrkzs krdse. (Az eurpai felzrkzs krnyezetvdelmi feladatai Magyarorszgon. Konferencia. Pcs, 1991. prilis 24-26.) Szervezsi s Vezetsi Tudomnyos Trsasg, Baranya, 1991. 22.k. 5.sz. 14-17.p.
BECK, A.M.: Guidelines for planning for pets in urban areas. (tmutat a kutyk s a macskk tartshoz vrosi krnyezetben.) Interrelations between people and pets. Springfield, Illinois, USA, 1981. 231-240.p. [Fogle, B.-Edney, A. (eds.)]
BEKIROV, R.E.: New anthelmintics againts cestode infections in carnivores. [j fregirt szerek a laposfrgek (cestode) ellen a hsevõ llatoknl.) Trudy Uzbekskogo Nauchno Issledovatel'skogo Veterinarnogo Instituta. Uzbekistane, 1984. 36.sz. 13-16.p.
BR A.: Kutya a laksban. 1990. 160 p. Pallas Lap- s Knyvkiad V., Budapest.
BLASER, M.J.: Epidemiology of Campylobacter infections. (A Campylobacter fertõzsek jrvnytana.) Campylobacter infection in man and animals. Boca Raton Fla. USA, CRC Press. (Butzler, J.P.) 1984. 143-161.p.
BOEHM, R.: Dog droppings in big towns. An aesthetical and hygienical problem. (Kutyarlk a nagyvrosokban: eszttikai s higiniai problma.) Oekologische Probleme in Verdichtungsgebieten. Stuttgart (Germany, F.R.), Ulmer, 1987. 215-226.p.
BUSH, B.: The dog care. Question and answer book. (A kutya gondozsa. Krds s felelet knyv.) Macdonald and Co. (Publ.) Ltd., 1988. 303 p.
CHOO, L.N.: Contamination of children's playgrounds with Toxocara hookworm larvae in Singapore. (A gyermekhomokozk fertõzttsge Toxocara lrvkkal Szingapurban.) Singapure Veterinary Journal, 1990. 14/15.sz. 66-69.p.
CLARKSON, M.J.: Hydatidosis in the United Kingdom - incidence, epidemiology and control. (Echinococcus fertõzs az Egyeslt Kirlysgban - elõforduls, jrvnytan s ellenõrzs.) Parazitological symposium Lyons, 24-26 October 1983. (Euzeby, J. ed.) Luxembourg, France, Commission of the European Comminities, 1994. 109-114.p.
COLLINS, G.H.: Sporozoa in dogs and cats. (Sporozoa a kutykban s a macskkban.) Australian Veterinary Journal, 1983. 60.k. 10.sz. 289-290.p.
CONTAT, F.: Epidemiological study of two foci of alveolar hydatidosis in France. (Az alveolaris Echinococcus fertõzs jrvnytani vizsglata Franciaorszgban.) Science Veterinaires Medecine Compares, 1983. 85.k. 2.sz. 79-82.p.
CORNIDE, R.I.: Leptospirosis in dogs in Guantanamo province, Cuba. (Leptospirosis a kutyknl Guantanamoban, Kuba.) Revista Cubana de Ciencias Veterinarias, 1985. 16.k. 2.sz. 133-143.p.
COTTELEER, C.: Infestation parasitaire, presentant un danger pour la sante humaine, chez les chats et les chiens. (Az ember egszsgt fenyegetõ parazitk macskkban s kutykban.) Min. de l'africulture, Adm. de la recherche agronomique. Departement pathologie des animaux de petit elevage et parasitologie. Groeselenberg 99, B-1180 Bruxelles.
CRAIG, P.S.: A large focus of alveolar echinococcosis in central China. (Az alveolaris Echinococcus fertõzs gcpontja Knban.) Lancet British edition. 1992. 340.k. 8823.sz. 826-831.p.
CRAIG, P.S.: Epidemiology, diagnosis and treatment of echinococcosis in Kenya. (Az Exhinococcosis jrvnytana, diagnzisa s kezelse Kenyban.) Postgraduate Doctor, Africa Edition, 1986. 8.k. 2.sz. 37-43.p.
CURRIER, R.W.: Canine rabies controll: evaluation of immunization policy. (A kutya veszettsg ellenõrzse: az immunizlsi politika rtkelse.) Woods, G.T. (ed.) Practices in veterinary public health and preventive medicine in the United States, lst. ed. Ames, Iowa, USA. Iowa State University Press, 1986. 249-262.p.
- Cscstechnolgia a hulladk kezelsben: 30 m3 hulladk 5 m3-es tartlyban ntmrtõs kontnerrel. Drva Coop Szvetkezet UNIFER Fmipari zeme, 7555 Csokonyavisonta, Xantus J. u. 45.
DABROWSKI, J.: Campylobacter jejuni in the faeces of dogs. (Campylobacter jejuni a kutyk rlkben.) Medycyna Weterynaryjna, 1994. 40.k. 5.sz. 302-303.p.
DEUMER, J.: Investigations into endoparasites of dogs in Munich. Contamination of public sandpits with developmental stages of parasites and their response to environmental influences. (Kutyk belsõ parazitinak vizsglata Mnchenben. A kztri homokozk fertõzttsge a parazitk fejlõdsi alakjaival, reaglsuk a krnyezeti hatsokra.) Inaugural Dissertation, Tierrztliche Fakultt der Ludwig Maximilians Universitt Mnchen, 1984. 88 p.
DAVID, B.: Campylobacter jejuni infection in dogs in the Paris region. (Campylobacter jejuni fertõzs kutyknl Prizsban.) Recueil de Medecine Veterinaire. 1983. 159.k. 10.sz. 809-814.p.
DONIA, D.: Isolation of Salmonella and Yersinia from dogs. (Salmonella s Yersinia izollsa kutykbl.) Igiene Moderna, 1986. 85.k. 2.sz. 183-189.p.
DUWEL, D.: The prevalence of Toxocara eggs in the sand in children's playgrounds in Frankfurt/M. (A Toxocara petk elõfordulsa a gyermek jtszterek homokoziban Frankfurt am Mainban.) Annals of Tropical Medicine and Parasitology, UK, 1984. 78.k. 6.sz. 633-636.p.
ECKERT, J.: Chemoprophylaxis for humans in contact with Echinococcus- infected dogs? (Chemoprophylaxis az Echinococcus-fertõztt embereknl?) Deutsche Medizinische Wochenschrift, 1983. 108: 28-29, 1127.
EL-GED, A.: The prevalence of clostridia in dogs with special reference to its public health importance (Egypt.). (A Clostridia gyakorisga a kutykban, klns tekintettel a kzegszsggyi jelentõsgre.) Assiut Veterinary Medical Journal, Egypt., May 1989. 21.k. 42.sz. 113-117.p. Kiadva 1990.
EMDE, C.: Endoparasitism in dogs in a West German town. (A kutyk belsõ paraziti egy nyugatnmet vrosban.) Praktische Tierarzt, Germany, F.R., 1988. 69.k. 3.sz. 19-23.p.
- Exercise areas give dogs room to romp. (A szobakutyk gyakorl terletei.) Advocate, USA, 1986. 4.k. 3.sz. 14-15.p.
FERREIRA, L.D.B.B.: Research on E. granulosus in dogs and its incidence in Portugal. (A kutyk Echinococcus granulosus fertõzsnek kutatsa s elõfordulsa Portugliban.) Repositorio de Trabalhoz do Laboratorio Nacional de Investigacao Veterinaria, 1984. 16.k. 131.sz. 133-135.p.
FIGURA, N.: Campylobacter spp isolated from dog faeces. (Campylobacter spp. izollsa a kutyarlkbõl.) Lancet, UK, 1991. 338.k. 8779.sz. 1403.p.
FOSTER, S.E.: Cutaneous lesion caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis in a dog. (Mycobacterium tuberculosis okozta bõrsebek kutykon.) Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, 1986. 188.k. 10.sz. 1188-1190.p.
FUKUSHIMA, H.: Presence of zoonotic pathogens (Yersinia spp., Campylobacter jejuni, Salmonella spp., and Leptospira spp.). simultaneously in dogs and cats. (Az llatokrl emberre terjedõ patognek (Yersinia spp., Campylobacter jejuni, Salmonella spp. s Leptospira spp.) egyidejûelõfordulsa kutykon s macskkon.) Zentralblatt fr Bakteriologie Mikrobiologie und Hygiene erste Ableitung, Originale B. Germany, FR., 1985. 181.k. 3/5.sz. 431-440.p.
GEMMELL, M.A.: Significance of particle size of mebendazole in the treatment of tapeworm infections. (A mebendazol rszecske nagysgnak jelentõsge a blfreg fertõzsek kezelsnl.) Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, 1985. 37.k. 9.sz. 659-660.p.
GEMMELL, M.A.: Modern concepts of drug usage in echinococcosis control. (A gygyszerhasznlat modern koncepcii az Echinococcus elleni vdekezsnl.) XIII. Congreso International de Hidatidologia, Madrid, Spain, 24-27 April, 1985. Ponencias, 1985. 391-392.p.
GEVREY, J.: Hydatidosis focus in the French Alps (Devoloy). Detection of infected dogs and proposed control measures. (Az Echinococcus fertõzs fkusza a francia Alpokban. A fertõztt kutyk vizsglata s a javasolt ellenõrzsek.) Sciences Veterinaires et Medecine Comparee, 1985. 87.k. 5/6.sz. 67-80.p.
GHONEIM, N.H.: The occurence of canine toxoplasmosis in Illinois state, USA. (A kutya toxoplasmosis elõfordulsa Illinois llamban, USA.) Veterinary Medical Journal (Egypt.), 1984. 32.k. 3.sz. 229-234.p.
GILOT, B.: Spatio-temporal dynamics of populations of Rhipicephalus sanguineus (Latreille, 1806) (Acari, Ixodidae) in a housing estate in Marseille. [A Rhipicephalus sanguineus populcidinamikja (Latreille, 1806) (Acari, Ixodidae) Marseille laknegyedeiben.] Acarologia, 1992. 33.k. 2.sz. 127-140.p.
GILOT, B.: The dogs in Marseille: quantification, disribution and ecological, social and epidemiological characters in human household. (Kutyk Marseilleben: mennyisgk, megoszlsuk, kolgiai, szocilis s jrvnytani jellemzõik a humn kzssgekben.) Sciences Veterinaires Medecine Comparee, France, 1991. 93.k. 1/2.sz. 47-72.p.
GILOT, B.: Ecological mapping of populations of the Rhipicephalus sanguineus group (Acari, Ixodidae) in the conurbation of Marseille, in relation to the different types of urban land use. [A Rhipicephalus sanguineus csoport (Acari, Ixodidae) populci kolgiai trkpezse fldhasznlat klnbzõ tpusaival kapcsolatban.) Acarologia, 1992. 33.k. 1.sz. 17-33.p.
GONDROSEN, B.: Isolation of thermophilic campylobacters from Norwegian dogs and cat. (Termofil Campylobacterek izollsa norvg kutykbl s macskkbl.) Acta Veterinaria Scandinavica, 1985. 26.k. 1.sz. 81-90.p.
De GREY, C.: Ethical treatment of clinical waste. (A klinikai hulladkok etikus kezelse.) Journal of Small Animal Practice, UK, 1990. 32.k. 7.sz. 355-357.p.
GREVE, J.H.: Identifying nematode larvae in feces of dogs and cats. (Fonlfreg lrvk azonostsa kutyk s macskk rlkben.) Iowa State University Veterinarian, USA, 1985. 47.k. 2.sz. 98-101.p.
GRUBER, A.: Prevalence of Campylobacter jejuni and C. coli in normal and diarrhoeic faeces of dogs in Sao Paulo. (A Campylobacter jejuni s a C. coli elõfordulsa normlis s hasmenses kutyk rlkben, Sao Paulban.) Revista de Microbiologia, 1985. 16.k. 4.sz. 287-289.p.
GUNASEELAN, L.: Incidence of Toxocara ova in the evironment. (Toxocara ova elõfordulsa a krnyezetben.) Indian Veterinary Journal, 1992. 69.k. 4.sz. 308-309.p.
HENDRIX, C.M.: Common gastrointestinal parasites. (Gyomor-blparazitk.) Veterinary Clinics of North America, Small Animal Practice, 1983. 13.k. 3.sz. 627-646.p.
HARTMAN, E.G.: Epidemiological aspects of canine leptospirosis in the Netherlands. (A kutya leptospirosis jrvnytani szempontjai Hollandiban.) Zentralblatt fr Bakteriologie, Mikrobiologie und Hygiene, 1984. 253.k. 2/3.sz. 350-359.p.
HASSAN, I.C.: A five-year analysis of diseases of dogs and cats in the Veterinary Clinic of Freetown, Sierra Leona. (Kutyk s macskk betegsgeinek tves vizsglati eredmnyei a Freetowni llatorvosi Klinikn, Sierre Leona.) Beitrafe zur Tropischen Landwirtschaft und Veterinarmedizin, 1984. 22.k. 3.sz. 305-308.p.
HASSLINGER, M.A.: Die Wirsamkeit einer neuen Flubendazol-Fromullerung auf Mischinfektionen (Zestoden und Nematoden) bei Hunden. (A flubendazol hatkonysga kutyk kevert fertõzsekor: galandfreg s fonlfreg.) Universitat Munchen, Geschwister Scholl Platz 1, D-800 Munchen 22.
HIBLER, C.P. Parasitology and public health. (Parazitolgia s kzegszsggy.) Clinical Textbook for Veterinary Technicians (ed. McCurnin, D.M.), 1985. 81-109.p.
HOLMES, B.: Numerical analysis of electrophoretic protein patterns of group EF-4 bacteria, predominantly from dog-bite wounds of humans. (Az EF-4 baktriumcsoport elektroforetikus fehrji szmszerûanalzise embereknl, fõleg kutyaharaps okozta sebek esetben.) Journal of Applies Bacteriology, UK, 1990. 68.k. 1.sz. 81-91.p.
HOSKINS, J.D.: Ehrlichial diseases of dogs: diagnosis and treatment. (A kutyk Ehrlichia okozta betegsgei: diagnzis s kezels.) Canine practice, USA, Maj-Jun 1991. 16.k. 3.sz. 13-21.p.
HORN, K.: Contamination of public children playgrounds with helminth eggs in Hannover. (A kztri gyermek jtszterek szennyezse blfreg petkkel Hannoverben.) Deutsche Tierarztliche Wochenschrift, Germany, FR., 1990. 97.k. 3.sz. 122-125.p.
IGBAL, F.: Study of intensity and chemotherapy of Echinococcus granulosus infection in dogs in and around Lahore city, Pakistan. (Az Echinococcus granulosus fertõzs intenzitsnak s kezelsnek vizsglata Lahore vrosban s krnykn, Pakisztn.) Faisalabad, Pakistan, UAF, 1985. 36 p.
ILLESCAS-GOMEZ, M.P.: Helminth parasitism in dogs (Canis familiaris L.) in the province of Granada, Spain. [A kutya fregparazitk (Canis familiaris L.) elõfordulsa Granada provinciban, Spanyolorszg.) Revista Iberica de Parasitologia, Spain, Jan-Mar. 1989. 49.k. 1.sz. 3-9.p.
KANG, H.J.: Epidemiological studies on Campylobacter enteritis in Korea. (A Campylobacter enteritis jrvnytani vizsglata Koreban.) Korean Journal of Veterinary Public Health, Korea R., Jun. 1989. 13.k. 1.sz. 95-104.p.
KHAN, U.F.: Role of bacteria and fungi in the causation of osteomyelitis and fracture in man and dogs. (A baktriumok s a gombk szerepe az ember s a kutya gennyes csontgyulladsnak s csonttrsnek az elõidzsben.) Faisalabad, Pakistan, UAF, 1985. 57 p.
KIM, C.K.: Investigation for infected tuberculosis of pet dogs on Cheongju area. (Tuberkulzissal fertõztt kutyk vizsglata Cheongju terletn.) Journal of Agricultural Science Chungbuk National University, Korea Republic, Dec. 1989. 7.k. 2.sz. 126-135.p.
KIM, H.J.: Serological group and antimicrobial drug sensitivity of salmonellae isolated from dogs and cats. (Kutykbl s macskkbl izollt Salmonellk mikrobaellenes gygyszerrzkenysge.) Korean Journal of Veterinary Public Health, 1986. 10.k. 1.sz. 11-16.p.
KRISZTIN B.: Krnyezet s kockzat. (Az eurpai felzrkzs krnyezetvdelmi feladatai Magyarorszgon. Konferencia. Pcs, 1991. prilis 24-26.) Szervezsi s Vezetsi Tudomnyos Trsasg, Baranya, 1991. 22.k. 5.sz. 41-44.p.
LARRIEU, E.: Canine population dynamicsin in General Pico, Argentina during the period 1986-1990. (A kutya populcidinamikja General Picoban, Argentna, 1989-1990.) Veterinaria, Argentina, 1992. 9.k. 88.sz. 536-542.p.
LARGHI, O.P.: Control of urban rabies. (A kutya veszetssgnek az ellenõrzse a vrosban.) Developmental in Veterinary Virology, USA, 1988. 7.k. 407-422.p.
LIEBISCH, A.: On the infection of dogs and cats with ticks and fleas in Germany F.R. (A kutyk s a macskk kullancs s bolhafertõzttsge Nmetorszgban.) Praktische Tierarzt, Germany, F.R., 1 oct. 1985. 66.k. 10.sz. 817-824.p.
MALNICK, H.: Anaerobiospirillum: cause of a new zoonosis? (Az anaerobiospirillum: egy j llatrl emberre terjedõ baktrium?) Lancet, UK, 1989. 1.k. 8647.sz. 1145-1146.p.
MARSH, B.T.: Importance of sanitation. (A kzegszsggy jelentõsge.) Advances in urban pest management (Bennett, G.W. ed.), New York, USA, Van Nostrand Reinhold Co., 1986. 51-68.p.
MARTINEZ-GOMEZ, F.: Avances in diagnosis of echinococcosis. (Elõrehalads az Echinococcus fertõzs diagnzisban.) XIII Congrese International de Hidatidologia, Madrid, Spain, 24-27 April 1985. Ponencias, 1985. 379-383.p.
MARTY, P.: Leishmanin reaction in the human population of a highly endemic focus of canine leishmaniasis in Alpes-Maritimes, France. (Leishmanin reakci a humn populciban a kutya leishmaniasis elõfordulsakor a nagy epidemikus gcpont Alpes-Maritimesben, Franciaorszg.) 1992. 86.k. 3.sz. 249-250.p.
MATCHANOV, N.M.: The role of domestic and wild carnivores in the epizootiology and epidemiology of helminths. (A hzi s a vad hsevõ llatok szerepe a blfrgek epizootiolgijban s epidemiolgijban.) zbekakii Biologicheskii Zhurnal, 1983. 1.sz. 40-43.p.
MAZARSKI, K.: Serological surveys for the detection of leptospiral antibodies in dogs in Thessaloniki area of Greece. (A leptospiralis antitestek meghatrozsnak szerolgiai mdszerei kutyknl a Grgorszgi Thessaloniki terletn.) Deltion tea Hellenikes Kteniatrikes Hetairelas Bulletin of the Hellenic Veterinary Medical Society, 1983. 34.k. 1.sz. 32-39.p.
MAYR, A.: Studies on the hygienics of holding dogs in city apartments. (A kutyk higinikus tartsnak vizsglata vrosi laksokban.) Zentralblatt fr Bakteriologie, Mikrobiologie und Hygiene, Serie B, Germany, F.R., 1986. 183.k. 1/3.sz. 240-253.p.
MAYOROVA, L.A.: A system of measures aimed at control of Echinococcoses in human population in the USSR. (Echinococcosis ellenõrzsi rendszer az USSR humn populcijban.) Zoonoses control. Collection of teaching aids for International Training Cource. Volume II: Rabies, brucellosis, leptospirosis, taeniases, foodborn infections and intoxications, dermatomycoses common to animals and man. 1982. 271-274.p.
MAYR, A.: Infections transmitted from man to dogs and cats in the houshold. (A fertõzs tvitele emberrõl a laksban tartott kutykra s macskkra.) Zentralblatt fr Bakteriologie, Mikrobiologie und Hygiene, Serie B, Germany, F.R., 1989. 187.k. 4/6.sz. 508-526.
MEHLE, J.: Studies on Campylobacter infection in dogs in Slovenia, Yugoslavia. (A kutyk Campylobacter fertõzsnek vizsglata Szlovniban, Jugoszlvia.) Zbornik Biotehniske Fakultete Univerze Advards Kardelja v Ljubljani, Yugoslavia. Veterinarstvo, 1989. 26.k. 2.sz. 187-193.p.
MIRANDA, A.O.: Serological detection of Brucella canis antibodies in dogs and man in western Formosa. (Brucella canis antitestek szerolgiai vizsglata kutyknl s embereknl, Nyugat-Formosan.) Veterinaria Argentina, 1986. 3.k. 22.sz. 160-161.p.
MODRIC, Z.: Leptospirosis in dogs in Zagred and the surrounding area caused by the icterohaemorrhagiae serotype. (Az icterohaemorrhagiae szerotpus ltal okozott leptospirosis Zgrbban s az azt krnyezõ terleteken.) Veterinarski Arhiv, 1985. 55.k. 3.sz. 93-102.p.
NDUDVARI Z.: Az nkormnyzatok krnyezetvdelmi feladatainak kzponti szablyozsa a fejlett orszgokban. Mszaki Gazdasgi Magazin, 1992. 4.k. Okt.sz. 1207-1237.p.
NELSON, G.S.: Hydatid disease: research and control in Turkana, Kenya. 1. Epidemiological observations. (Echinococcus fertõzses megbetegeds: kutats s ellenõrzs Turkanban, Kenya. 1. Jrvnytani megfigyelsek.) Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 1986. 80.k. 2.sz. 177-182.p.
OHISHI, I.: Semifield study on prophylactic efficacy of ivermectin by intermittent medication against Dirofilaria immitis in dogs. (Az ivermectin hatkonysgnak a vizsglata Dirofilaria immitissel fertõztt kutyknl.) Japanese Journal of Veterinary Science, Japan, Feb. 1988. 50.k. 1.sz. 125-130.p.
OKOLO, M.I.O.: Prevalence and public health implications of Echinococcus granulosus in rural dogs in eastern Nigeria. (Az Echinococcus granulosus elterjedse s kzegszsggyi jelentõsge vidken tartott kutyknl Kelet-Nigriban.) International Journal of Zoonoses, 1986. 13.k. 1.sz. 19-24.p.
PALADINI, A.: Thermophilic Campylobacter in dogs and cats: a possible source of infection for man. (Termofil Campylobacter kutyknl s macskknl: az ember fertõzõdsnek lehetsges forrsai.) Giornale di Malattie Infettive e Parassitarie, 1983. 35.k. 11.sz. 1409-1412.p.
PALSSON, P.A.: Hydatidosis in Iceland. How it was eradicated. (Echinococcus fertõzs Izlandon. Hogyan szntettk meg?) Agriculture. Some inportant parasitic infections in bovines considered from economic and social (zoonosis) points of view. Parazitological symposium Lyons, 24-26 October 1983. Ed. Euzeby, J., 1984. 121-131.p. Luxemburg, France.
PAPADOPOULOS, G.: Echinococcosis/hydatidosis in the world epizootiological/epidemiological analysis problems in the Mediterranean areas. (A fldkzi-tengeri orszgok Echinococcosis/hydatidosis epizootilgiai/epidemiolgiai problmi.) XIII Congraso Internacional de Hidatidologia, Madrid, Spain, 24-27 April 1985. Ponencias, 1985. Madrid. 21-24.p.
PARKE, N.J.: Canine dirofilariasis in central Indiana. (Kutya dirofileriasis kzp Indianban, USA.) Proceedings of the Indiana Academy of Science, USA, 1985. 94.k. 645-648.p.
PARIZOT, X.: Canine excreta in the urban environment: how can the problem be solved? (Kutyarlk a vrosi krnyezetben: hogyan oldhat meg a problma.) Revue-Scientifique et Technique de l'OIE, France, Sep 1991. 10.k. 3.sz. 669-680.p.
PETROVAI L.: Magyarorszg eurpai felzrkzsra felkszlse a szabvnyosts, a tansts s a krnyezetvdelem szablyozs terletn. (Az eurpai felzrkzs krnyezetvdelmi feladatai Magyarorszgon. Konferencia. Pcs, 1991. prilis 24-26.) Szervezsi s Vezetsi Tudomnyos Trsasg, Baranya, 1991. 22.k. 5.sz. 53-57.p.
RAOULT, D.: Mediterranean spotted fever in Marseille, France: correlation between prelevance of hospitalized patients, seroepidemiology and prelevance of infected ticks in three different areas. (A jrvnyos encephalitis Marseilleben, Franciaorszg: korrelci a krhzban polt betegek gyakorisga, a seroepidemiolgia s a fertõztt kullancs gyakorisga kztt hrom klnbzõ terleten.) American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 1993. 48.k. 2.sz. 249-256.p.
- Riport of the activities of the Institut Pasteur de Tunis during 1982. (A Tuniszi Pasteur Intzet kzlemnye az 1982. vrõl.) Archives de l'Institut Pasteur de Tunis, 1983. 60.k. 1/2.sz. 140-147.p.
SALM, C.: Are helminths of dogs a potential health risk? Public health importance of dog faeces in Basel. (Abstract of Dissetation, Bern.) (A kutyk blfrgei potencilis kzegszsggyi kockzatot jelentenek? A kutyarlk kzegszsggyi jelentõsge Baselben. Disszertci kivonat, Bern.) Schweizer Archiv fr Tierheilkunde, 1986. 128.k. 1.sz. 53.p.
SCHWENNICKE, J.: Bacterial counts of dog cages and the prelevance of staphylococci, salmonellae, fungi and endoparasites among dogs kept in a home for strays. (A kutyahzak baktriumszma s a staphilococcusok, salmonellk, gombk s belsõ parazitk elõfordulsa gazdtlan kutyk tartsakor.) Inaugural Dissertation. Tierrztliche Hochschule, Hannover, 1985. 223 p. Refertum: 27 p.
SEIFERT, U.: Detection of Campylobacter jejuni in dogs and cats with and without enteritis. (A Campylobacter jejuni vizsglata kutyknl s macskknl hasmenssel ksrve vagy anlkl.) Kleintierpraxis, 1983. 28.k. 7.sz. 371-372,374.p.
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